Where do you want to take your business? Do you have plans to enter a new market or launch a new product? It’s all possible with DFK Hirn
Newey. Whether you’ve just started up, are well-established and expanding, or just looking for a fresh approach and new perspective; DFK
Hirn Newey has the right solutions for your business.
A complete range of accounting and business services
Besides delivering the usual services of accounting and taxation, we also provide specialist advice to business owners in coming to grips
with the many challenges involved in operating a business in Australia or abroad. Through the member firms of DFK, clients have access to a
complete range of services specially developed to meet the needs of clients at all stages of their development.
We do it differently
At DFK Hirn Newey, it’s not just what we do, it’s how we do it that sets us apart. At DFK Hirn Newey, you can be confident we:
Listen. We take the time to understand your business, what drives you, where you want to go, your business strategy and
unique needs. We ask questions. We listen some more. Then we find you the answers.
Know business. We understand the pressures of business, from starting with the seed of an idea, to sourcing a team, to
managing growth. Business is an adventure and we’ll help you ride the ups and downs to the very top. We’ll make sure you’re taking advantage
of every possible avenue to set you up for success.
Leverage broad industry experience. We have expertise in a range of industries. Our clients come from a diverse pool of
professions and industries including tech and digital start-ups, commercial, government, indigenous corporations and public sector
Work closely with you. We’re with you for the long term and from the start, we see ourselves as a part of your business.
We’re adaptive, we’re responsive and we’re as quick to find innovative solutions as the businesses we support.
Tap into global expertise. If you want to operate or grow internationally, we can help you get there through our
international business networks and associations.
Our complete range of services includes:
With DFK Hirn Newey, you can scale any heights, aim for the highest and go anywhere – and we’ll be right there with you.