Key Dates for JobKeeper Extension

27th September 2020 

Original JobKeeper Payments finish

End of last JobKeeper fortnight (this is a Sunday)
28th September 2020

JobKeeper extension 1 starts

From 28 September 2020, the JobKeeper scheme is extended. The first extension covers the JobKeeper fortnights between 28 September 2020 and 3 January 2021. To claim JobKeeper payments for this period, you will need to:

  • show that your actual GST turnover has declined in the September 2020 quarter relative to a comparable period (generally the corresponding quarter in 2019). See the actual decline in turnover test.
  • have satisfied the original decline in turnover test. However, if you
    • were entitled to receive JobKeeper for fortnights before 28 September, you have already satisfied the original decline in turnover test
    • are enrolling in JobKeeper for the first time from 28 September 2020, if you satisfy the actual decline in turnover test, you will also satisfy the original decline in turnover test (except for certain universities). You can enrol on that basis.
  • pay your eligible employees at least the JobKeeper amount that applies to them each JobKeeper fortnight. For JobKeeper extension 1, this will be either $1,200 for tier 1 or $750 for tier 2.
  • tell the ATO whether the tier 1 (higher) or tier 2 (lower) payment rate applies to each eligible employee, eligible business participant or eligible religious practitioner. If you are already enrolled in JobKeeper and eligible for the extension, you do this in your business monthly declaration in November.

You must also tell your eligible employees, eligible business participant or eligible religious practitioners which payment rate applies to them within 7 days of notifying us of their payment rate.

30th September 2020

Enrolments close for September fortnights

To claim payments for the September JobKeeper fortnights, you must enrol by 30 September if you haven't already done so
14th October 2020

JobKeeper Declaration

September JobKeeper Declaration is due to be lodged
31st October 2020

Wage condition for JobKeeper extension 1

For the JobKeeper fortnights starting 28 September 2020 and 12 October 2020 only, the ATO are allowing employers until 31 October 2020 to meet the wage condition for all employees included in the JobKeeper scheme.
14th November 2020

JobKeeper Declaration

October JobKeeper Declaration is due to be lodged